How to be an eco- visitor

reduce your footprint
The resident population of Paros is around 15,000, but during the holiday season as many as 600,000 tourists also visit the island. This has a huge environmental impact but making your travel more eco-friendly and supporting sustainable tourism is probably easier than you think. Here are some of the best ways for you to do your bit.
Try to find places to stay that are more sustainable. Before you book, ask about a hotel’s eco-practices and their commitment to sustainability. Ask the same thing of rental owners or post a question for a local Facebook group like Paros Rentals, Paros & Naxos Life or Sustainable Living Paros. The more you show business-owners you care about their impact on the planet, the faster they will make positive changes.
Though we all love travelling, it’s worth considering reducing your environmental impact by travelling more locally and less frequently. Maybe take one big trip a year rather than several. Before travelling, also consider using trains or boats, where possible, as they are much better for the planet.
Pack lightly. It means less weight on the plane and therefore less fuel. If you can, use direct flights and avoid layovers. A plane releases more CO2 every time it lands and takes off.
You can calculate your CO2 carbon emissions here. It works whether you are travelling by plane, car or boat. Using the same website, you can compensate for your carbon emissions by helping organisations to plant trees. You can also plant trees yourself or as part of a local community effort.
This will take some organisation and planning, but the reward will be having less impact on this small and beautiful island.
For going out & about, see this section for how to reduce waste when you visit cafes, restaurants and shops.
You can also take a look at these articles to find out where to buy reusables, food and cosmetics in bulk, and where to refill your own bottles of water.
Support the local economy. Try to choose local products over big-name brands, for example, and visit shops that sell local produce.
At your hotel, tell them you don’t want your towels and linens changed every day. The hotel owner will be happy and you’ll be helping reduce water and energy use.
Take short showers. Paros is a small island that has very little rain and demand in summer is much greater than the rest of the year.
Turn off the tap while you’re brushing your teeth or shaving.
Avoid air conditioning. Take cold showers, close the shutters during the day, and stay near the sea where there’s a cool breeze. Air conditioners in cars and buildings consume huge amounts of energy, which adds to climate change. If you want to find out more, read this article.
If you’ve forgotten to travel with something you need, whether it’s flippers or a snorkel for swimming or even an umbrella, try to find it second hand from the local second-hand Facebook group.
Recycle your waste in the blue bins you will see all over the island. See the section about what can and can’t be recycled.